When Kanye made his comments after Hurricane Katrina, I will admit I kind of thought maybe he might have been hitting on something. Maybe he went about it the wrong way but perhaps he was reaching at something that needed addressing.
Then he pulled the stunt that he did at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Taylor Swift won the award for Best Female Video and Mr West decided to grab the microphone, interrupting her acceptance speech to say that Beyonce made one of the best videos ever. He made sure to emphasize that point. Ever.
Now I respect anyone who has enough balls to get up on stage and speak their mind. Don't get me wrong. This however was wrong. A friend pointed out to me that she may not ever win another award. Look at the state of music today. Success is fleeting. It's not like it was 10 or even 5 years ago. If you have a hit today, you might be flipping burgers with SNOW the next week. It almost pays to stay an independent artist, but I digress from my point. The point that Kanye decided to speak his mind at the wrong time. On someone else's time, that bothers me. Doesn't he have another record to auto tune? Shouldn't he be at the upcoming VH-1 Diva's performance?
I guess my point is, Kanye if you were going for crazy. Congratulations. We needed someone to fill in since we lost Ol' Dirty Bastard.
3 Responses to “Kanye: An Editorial”
agreed. he was an ass. kudos to beyonce for her classy move later.
What an idiot to interrupt lovely Taylor Swift!
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