From the opening moments of "Dicephalous" to the closing onslaught of "Mean Shadows", "It Hates You" is a blitzkrieg of time changes that assault all of your senses and only gives you random moments of reprieve during some of the slower and mellower songs like "China White III".
The lead single from the album, "The Primary Blues" showcases just how much the bands songwriting has matured since "Suck Out the Poison" in not only the amazing riffs but their ability to put a melody together that gets stuck in your head for days to come.
If the year 2009 ended right now, "It Hates You" would be album of the year, hands down. Even if you have no interest in metal or the oft used "screamo" this is your vehicle to a new world. Get this record right now.
5 out of 5.
One response to “REVIEW: He Is Legend - "It Hates You"”
great review! -Lovecatz
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